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Thursday, April 19, 2012

Anti-aging tips and tricks

Like sands through the hourglass....we are all getting older every day. And thats a good thing, when you think about the alternative! I tend to see age as just a number, I seldom think of how old I am and whether or not I should be acting/looking a certain way because I need to "act my age". I'm still pretty trendy in clothes, makeup, music, etc. I think I'm probably in better physical condition than I was in my 20s (probably because I can no longer function on a few hours of sleep and eating crap!) and I don't sweat the fact that I'm no longer 30. But no matter how young you feel, there is no escape from the aging process.

You can, however, slow things down a bit. I've compiled a list of a few tips, tricks and ideas to help you stay at the top of your game and look and feel great!


We all know it is good to drink lots of water, but staying hydrated is such an important part of looking good and overall health. Drinking water helps replenish skin tissues and increase elasticity, as well as preventing nasty medical issues such as muscle cramps, irregular blood pressure and kidney problems. If you get to the point where you feel really thirsty, you are already dehydrated! I recommend at least 64oz a day, or two liter jugs of water.
Eat Green  Leafy Veggies 

Eat your greens! I heard that so many times as a kid. I was never a fan of cooked vegetables, until I learned to cook them properly! Fresh green beans, sauteed with a little olive oil and garlic over fairly high heat, are the perfect dish! Green leafy vegetables are a great choice. They are full of iron, potassium, magnesium and vitamins-one of which is vitamin K, one of the most important vitamins you can get (and one many of our diets lack). Green leafy veggies also protect our eyes from age-related degeneration and cataracts, as well as helping to regulate the turnover and production of skin cells for smoother skin.

Again, this seems like a no-brainer and is something we hear or read about all the time. We know its important, yet many people avoid it like the plague! Exercise is, of course, good for your body. Regular, weight-bearing exercise helps prevent a myriad of health issues, from osteoporosis to heart disease. It also keeps you strong-both physically and mentally. What many people don't realize is that exercise is also great for your skin, and helps slow down aging. Regular exercise contributes to prevention of skin sagging and wrinkles. By getting your heart rate up, you are increasing blood circulation in your body, which in turn provides increased oxygen to skin cells. 

 Wash Your Face! 
Another tip from mom that many of us ignored when we were younger. I do not care how tired you are, how long your day was or how little you feel like it-wash your face before you go to bed.  It takes about 30 seconds to quickly wash up before bedtime, and removing the day's makeup, grime and bacteria promotes healthy skin and prevents break-outs. Plus, the skin tends to rebuild itself over the course of our sleep and we want clean skin to promote that rejuvenation.


This is important at any age, especially if you have dry skin, but SO important as you get older. Always use a light day moisturizer, and at night, a heavier moisturizer-preferably one targeted towards anti-aging. I like the Roc Deep Wrinkle Night Cream because it has a fairly high level of retinol. Retinol has been proven to help reduce fine lines and wrinkles, even skin tone and reduce dark spots. I use this every night, no matter what!

No Tanning

I know, we need vitamin D. But please don't get it here. You can step outside in the sunlight for 15 minutes a day to get your vitamin D fix, and take supplements. But please, stay away from tanning beds. In addition to aging your skin immensely (I know this first-hand), it increases your risk of melanoma by 2.5 times. Your tanning salon may tell you that their beds are safe because they only use UVA rays, rather than UVB rays. But recent research has shown that UVA rays are perhaps even deadlier than UVB rays. Just don't do it ladies. Please. And don't let your teen daughters do it either!

Sleep on Your Back

It's funny to think that something as simple as changing the way you sleep can help prevent wrinkles. But its true! According to the American Academy of Dermatology, certain repeated sleep positions will cause permanent "etching" into the surface of the skin. Sleeping on your back helps prevent that. Many of us find that position uncomfortable, but if you can at least train your body to start out sleeping on your back, you will take years off the aging process! Invest in a silk or satin pillowcase as well, also purported to help reduce night wrinkling. And of course get ENOUGH sleep!! 7 hours is the absolute minimum!

Everyone seems to have an opinion on getting injections to fill in lines-from saying its the most awesome thing on the planet to saying its the most ridiculous thing they've ever heard of. Regardless of your personal opinion, these procedures are here to stay. And when you think about it, we are pretty lucky to live in a time when there are options besides surgery when it comes to aging. There are many choices out there, from Botox, which "freezes" the muscles and keeps you from forming lines, as well as relaxing lines in the face, to Juvederm, which is a filler and often used on lines around the mouth. Only you can decide if this is a route you'd like to take, and my biggest recommendation is to find a really good medical professional to do this. I see a lot of "Botox parties" and such, and I would never want someone I do not trust messing with my face! Go to a dermatologist or plastic surgeon, someone who is schooled and skilled in these kind of procedures. This is your face, your skin, and while the procedures are expensive, they are still cheaper than surgery and you should NOT cut corners and try to save money by going to a "party" for skin procedures.

We can't avoid aging, and we shouldn't. Some of the most beautiful women I've ever seen are in their 40s, 50s, 60s. Honestly, I think women in this age group are often more beautiful than girls in their 20s. There is a glow that comes from reaching that point where you are okay with who you are, and are comfortable with yourself. A grace and calmness that only comes with life experience. We can look beautiful, we can stave off the aging process, but always be proud of who you are. Because at any age, you are perfect!

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