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Monday, April 9, 2012

Hoppity Easter!

I hope everyone had a fun Easter! Ours was low-key, I took my two kiddos out to brunch, just the three of us, and then we went and saw the movie "The Hunger Games" (I'd been wanting to see it but I really hate crowds so I waited a couple weeks for the hype to fade...and I enjoyed it a lot!)

My kids and I were talking about their Easter baskets and how they are on their last legs and maybe it's time to retire them. I made them several years ago and I think the poor ol' baskets might be ready to go. But before I put them away, I thought I'd share them here. Even though Easter is over, this is a fun craft project that you might want to keep on your agenda for next year!

Here they are! I made a blue "boy" one and a pink "girl" one. They are really easy. You just take a round ice cream carton, like the Dreyer's ones-

Of course, wash them out well. Then I bought some white "furry" fabric from the fabric store, along with pink and blue felt, big puff balls for the face and tail, tiny black balls for the nose, and some "googly" eyes (as I call them).

I used some stiff cardboard to cut out the face and ears (not too heavy though, a good posterboard will work). Using a hot glue gun (regular glue works too, but I love my glue gun!) cut the white fabric to fit and glue it around the ice cream container and onto the bunny faces. Attach your eyes, cheeks and nose to the faces, and whatever color felt you choose goes on the ears. Once that dries a bit, glue the face onto the ice cream container-again let everything dry. I made little handles for the baskets using some decorative wire and more felt, but that is optional and those were probably the first part of the baskets to "go" as they wore out.

 I cut out little feet and put more "bunny fur" on them, gluing them to the base of my basket. My kids really loved seeing these baskets every year, they were fun and easy to make and became a special part of our Easter tradition.

Hm, maybe I'm NOT ready to retire them yet.....one more year!

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