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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Skinny on Fitness, Food and Health

While fashion, makeup, hair and all that good stuff is part of looking good, health and fitness is another, more important part. Because its difficult to rock those Miss Me jeans if they feel too tight, and makeup doesn't look so great when your skin is blotchy or broken out. I'm no fitness guru, but I have found several things that manage to work pretty well for me, keeping me in shape (most of the time!) and feeling fit. I thought I'd share my own fitness and health tips, for what its worth. They aren't anything special or unusual (sorry, no magic pills or potions that I've discovered yet!), but these tips do work for me when I follow them, and they just might work for you too:

I know. None of us really love it-at least I don't. But I do love the way I feel after a good workout. And I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the old "three days a week" adage really isn't true. Recent studies indicate that for optimum fitness, we ALL should be working out at least one hour per day. And for those of us in the over 40 age group, that hour a day is the minimum. As we age, our metabolism naturally starts to slow, making those unwanted pounds more difficult to shed. Its not fair, but there it is.

My biggest frustration is with people who insist they do not have "time" to work out. Do you spend an hour a day watching television? Playing on the computer? That time can be spent in a much more productive way, and daily exercise is a long term investment in your health. As a single parent who works three jobs just to stay afloat, while juggling a love life, family time and four crazy dogs, trust me when I say you CAN make time if you try. It has to be a priority. And it doesn't have to be some intense, over-the-top workout program. Go for a walk, hike or bike. Take a dance class. Break up that hour workout into two 30 minute workouts-whatever you have to do, do it.

My workout regime includes hot yoga classes, running or walking and hitting the weights at the gym. I try to alternate and mix that up so I am working out at least 5 days a week (6-7 when I'm trying to lose weight). I've also done the "Insanity" DVDs (I hate you, Shaun T!) and during the winter I try to add in fun activities like skiing, sledding and ice skating. If you can find a workout partner, that is even better. Knowing someone is going to be meeting you at the gym or yoga class is an excellent motivator. My boyfriend and I often workout together, encouraging each other to stick with it.

Some of these activities can be kind of expensive. I pay a fairly hefty monthly fee to go to yoga classes, but I feel it is money well-spent. This is my only body. Your physical health is truly a priceless commodity and if that goes away, you suddenly realize just HOW priceless.

If you don't want to spend a lot of money on fitness, there are options. Planet Fitness has an inexpensive monthly membership here in our northern town, and I've found it to be a clean, pleasant environment for basic weight training and using machines like treadmills and bikes. Or just buy some running shoes and hit the trails! Even in winter, our bike trails (well, when they're clear of snow) are great for running and walking. Many of the local swimming pools have inexpensive water fitness classes, a fun and low impact way to workout! You can also rent DVDs or fitness books at the library, creating your own routine. Just do it. I know, silly cliche, but it is SO true.

Ugh. This is my weak point. I love food. I love wine. I love sugar. I like to eat beautiful meals with amazing sauces, drink wine and eat delicious desserts. I've been lucky in that for most of my life, I managed to slide by with lots of exercise and was able to eat mostly what I want. Well, those days are gone. Changing my eating habits is still a work in progress for me, and keeping the weight off has become a bit of a battle.

One thing I definitely avoid is fast food. I haven't been to a drive through in years. Really. And the recent news reports about McDonald's makes my stomach turn just to think about it. There are a few exceptions, the main one being In-N-Out, which we don't even have up here and which still prepares their food fresh. When I'm down in Cali, I do have to have me some In-N-Out. Other than that though, STAY away from fast food. It is so much better to eat fresh food with fresh ingredients. And if you eat out at work, making a lunch for yourself isn't just healthier, its less expensive!

When it comes to eating, I tend to do best when I can be moderate. I am not a huge fruits and veggies fan, but I love smoothies and I love salads. I can make myself a smoothie in the morning with a handful of frozen strawberries, half a frozen banana, a scoop of vanilla protein powder and cold water. Smoothies can be a good way to get in your fruits and veggies. My salads are always chock-full of "stuff". I try to use spinach or romaine, as they pack the most nutrients per serving. I also use things like fresh asparagus or green beans, avocado (very healthy fat!), red and yellow peppers (green peppers don't agree with me, ugh), radishes, onion, cucumber, a sprinkle of parmesan (harder cheeses are lower calorie) and sometimes berries or apples. Don't be afraid to add in anything you like! A big salad for lunch is filling and healthy. I do like salad dressing, but those "spritz" dressings you can buy now add flavor without fat or calories (and bottled salad dressing is probably one of the worst things you can eat, calorie-wise)

I don't deprive myself, because that always backfires on me. I do try  to find healthy alternatives when I can. I love candy, and I've found that a couple squares of dark chocolate (especially if it has orange or chili flavor) satisfies me. And we all know dark chocolate is good for you, even increasing your libido! I also like popcorn as a snack, its full of fiber and low calorie. I sprinkle on a little lime-chili salt and it gives me that "chip crunch" without the bad stuff.

Chips. Oh I love them. But they are what I call a "trigger food". Give me a bag of chips, I will EAT a bag of chips. So they don't come into my house. If I really want chips, I might buy ONE snack size bag. I can eat it and get my chip fix, without completely sabotaging myself. If you have a trigger food, don't tempt yourself. Keep it out of your house!

Moderation in all things is my food mantra. If I want a cookie, I have a cookie. Not ten cookies. I have wine with dinner. I will eat a nice steak once in awhile. I think about what I REALLY want to eat before I eat it, and go ahead and have what I want-in moderation. Because when I try too hard to deny myself, and don't eat what my body is really craving, I just ending up eating more later.

Lastly, I do try not to eat late at night. This isn't a hard and fast "rule" (eh, I have no rules) but if I am trying to lose weight, eating right before bed makes me feel sluggish and shows on the scale. If I HAVE to snack before bed, I try to stick with something like a low calorie mozzarella stick or a small handful of nuts. Protein in my stomach before bed sometimes makes me sleep better.

 Fitness experts often talk about making sure your body takes in enough water, and it is as important as they say it is. Not soda (its been discovered that diet soda is worse than regular soda. Great.), not coffee (I love my coffee but it is a diuretic and not recommended as inclusion in your daily liquid intake), water. I try to drink at least two 32oz bottles a day, and when I do meet that goal, I feel SO much better. Lots of water actually keeps you from retaining water, as it moves things through your body faster and flushes toxins. I do like to spice up my water with a little Crystal Light sometimes (I know, its artificial crap but at least it helps me get the water in), and often have a cup of tea in the afternoons and evenings, which can be included in your intake.

Another hot topic for health and fitness experts. When I am trying to lose weight, I've found the weight comes off much faster when I get enough sleep. Most of us need at least 7 hours per night. Sleep deprivation is one of the worst things you can do to your body, causing all kinds of potential health problems and even death-people who do not get enough sleep do not live as long as those who do. It is a serious concern. I work very early in the morning and try to be in bed by 10p during the week, which gives me about 7 hours on a good night. I drink an herbal tea before bed and read if I'm not sleepy. I also have a fan for "white noise" which can help give you a deeper sleep.

When I am having trouble motivating myself to lose weight or work out, I sometimes set a manageable goal. Right now, I've promised myself two things when I lose the winter pounds that crept up on me-I will buy myself a new pair of jeans, something expensive and fun and sexy! And I will indulge in a bacon jam burger from local restaurant, Spenard Roadhouse. I know that the fitness "experts" say you shouldn't reward yourself with food. But I think for a short term reward, its fine. Will I reward myself with a burger every night for a week? Of course not. It just gives me something to look forward to that I really enjoy.

Another excellent motivator, especially if you are having trouble making the commitment to exercise, is to sign up for a 5k or even a half marathon! I usually try to sign up for a least a few races over the course of the spring and summer, and knowing I paid the entry fee and will have to drag myself through a race makes me much more likely to get my booty OFF the couch! 

Like I said, none of this is special or unusual. There is no magic pill (believe me, I've tried a lot of stupid diet tricks and supplements that don't work). These are just the things I do that work for me. Keep moving, be moderate and live your life as healthy as YOU can!

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