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Thursday, May 3, 2012

Our Weekend Away....

I've been a little MIA from my blog, but have a good excuse! I decided to escape daily life for the weekend with one of my very favorite people, my son! We took off for San Diego, enjoying some time on Mission Beach and a day at Seaworld...

I've always loved travel and I like to think I've instilled that same love of seeing new places in my kids-mainly because I almost always take them with me!

We enjoyed pooltime, and Shamu was awesome!

Traveling with kids can be fairly easy, if you are prepared (and patient!) My son was about 5 weeks old the first time he went on a plane, and he's always been a pretty good traveler. However, I always tried to plan in advance for any possible issues. Here's a few things I always, always did with my kids when they were small.

1. Make them a goodie bag. I used to make a goodie bag for each of my kids to take on the plane. I would give it to them after takeoff, and it contained things like crayons and little coloring books, small toys, snacks and gum.

2. Tire them out. We usually flew the evening flights when they were smaller, mainly because they would sleep. Of course, I never got much sleep so I had to deal with my own grogginess-but at least I wasn't dealing with them being tired and cranky on top of ME being tired and cranky!

3. Bring a binky and a bottle (if you do those) for babies/toddlers and gum for older kids. Ascent and descent of the plane can cause air pressure changes in the cabin that can REALLY hurt tender ears. Giving them something to suck on helps a lot. Be prepared to nurse during takeoff and landing if you don't use bottles or pacifiers.

4. Bring EXTRA-as in extra diapers, food/drinks, and an entire extra change of clothing! Because good lord if your baby has a "blowout" or gets a little air sick, you will REALLY wish you'd brought it. Also make sure to throw in an extra t-shirt and/or sweater for older kids. You never know when they might either get sick or spill something too. And if you check luggage (I seldom do) its good to have some extra clothes just in case your luggage gets misplaced. On the other hand, less can also be more. Don't skimp on bringing diapers and such, but you also do NOT necessarily need to bring the giant stroller, playpen, bouncy chair, etc. I always managed with an umbrella stroller, which you can fold up and fit in the overhead if necessary. And I never brought more accessories than I absolutely needed!!

5. Remember that if you are bringing an infant on board, you are not guaranteed an extra seat unless you buy it! Be prepared to have your baby on your lap, and plan accordingly- you may have to check your carseat (you can do this at the gate, along with your stroller) If you are concerned about it, it might be worth it to spend the money and buy them a seat.

6. Most importantly, have fun and try not to stress! Kids can be great little travelers, and I think that they can really get a lot out of seeing the world from an early age.

My son and I probably won't be taking any trips that are just the two of us again for awhile, I'm starting a new job and won't be able to travel for at least a few months. But we are always planning our next adventure, and I'd like to think that our travels throughout the years have given him an excellent perspective on the world and people around him.

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