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Thursday, August 8, 2013

My Favorite Things-August

I haven't posted about my favorite things in awhile-in fact I haven't posted at all for awhile! My life seems to have taken on yet another busy turn, with new writing gigs popping up (I now have my own quarterly fashion column in a local magazine! Just local stuff, but still super fun!) and of course life is always chasing me around, snapping at my heels like an angry shitzu. I keep thinking it will slow down soon, but it just isn't happening. It can be a little stressful, even though its good stress. So treating myself to luxurious facials at home is a good way to reduce that stress without feeling like I am eating away important work time.

One of my favorite ways to pamper my skin is with a mask. I am in love with this hydrating, gentle facial treatment by Sephora:

Sephora Instant Moisture Mask is a quick and easy way to brighten your skin and reduce dryness. The cute little martini-mixer style container comes with four packets. Just pour a packet in, mix warm water to the fill line, and shake. Like your favorite fruity drink, it blends together perfectly, and becomes a thick gel:

Smooth on your face and leave on for at least 5 minutes (I do 20 minutes, because I'm old and have scaly old dry skin) then rinse clean.

This is an affordable mask, especially since after using it once, I discovered that those packets make WAY too much product. You do NOT need to use a whole packet each time. I use half a packet, and fill the mixer to just halfway of the fill line. It still gives you plenty of mask to apply-even enough for your neck-and you get four more uses out of it! I use it once or twice a month, mixed in with my other extensive skin treatments.

Sephora is, as many of you know, one of my favorite places to shop online. With every purchase you get three free samples, and you accrue bonus points for other awesome freebies that you can pick and choose!

Sephora Instant Moisture Mask is a great purchase, and it doesn't surprise me that one of my favorite stores would produce one of my favorite things!

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